23. Our World in AI: School runs

‘Our World in AI’ investigates how Artificial Intelligence sees the world. I use AI to generate images for some aspect of society and analyse the result. Will Artificial Intelligence reflect reality, or does it make biases worse?

Here’s how it works. I use a prompt that describes a scene from everyday life. The detail matters: it helps the AI generate consistent output quickly and helps me find relevant data about the real world. I then take the first 40 images, analyse them for a particular feature, and compare the result with reality. If the data match, the AI receives a pass.

Today’s prompt: “a photo of one parent walking their child to school”

I wondered if DALL-E would paint a traditional picture of women taking children to school, show an equitable 50-50 split of mums and dads, go with the 80-20 rule for gender, or perhaps something random. We find out in Fig 1 below (and here).

A panel of forty images created by DALL-E for the prompt "a photo of one parent walking their child to school". Our world in AI: School runs
Fig 1: Result for “a photo of one parent walking their child to school”

We see 21 men and 19 women doing the school run. I don’t have any real-world data for this scenario, but I’m delighted to see DALL-E defaulted to an equitable gender split!

So, we can move on to the pass-or-fail grading without further ado.

Today’s verdict: Pass

DALL-E generated nearly equal numbers of men and women dropping off children at school. I’m hopeful we’re witnessing the beginning of fair algorithms. Wouldn’t that be nice?

Next week in Our World in AI: Fun with fingers Part 2 as I re-run the most popular prompts of Q1 2023 in the last two weeks of this quarter.



